A Blog for the DYI Theatre Program!

Our opening night is coming soon!

Our budget is tight!

But wait! Let's use creativity and lots of ingenuity!

Let's design our play by thinking out of the box.

Some quick and simple scenic solutions by Mr. Lowell at the Sloan Theatre.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Scenic Texture Effect

Seen here is the "Ice Princess' Palace" in a 2008 children's production of "Narnia the Musical" at Greensboro Day School.
Click photos to enlarge.

Shown is an example of muslin that was stiffened over hollywood-style flying flats using Sculpt-or-Coat theatrical glue. The ripples of muslin are hollow and stand up on their own. The flying flats are extremely lightweight and have flame-redardant. The ripples in the muslin give interesting texture and do a good job of capturing light and shadow under different lighting moods.

Director - Sonny Willis. Set/Lighting designer - Dana Lowell. Scenic artist - Dale Johnson. (The flats have since been destroyed).